Don't Read the Comments by Ashton Raze

Short, amusing riff on the niche-audience building capabilities of the internet and the problems with comments.
Information in this game listing is copyright Leon Arnott, streever, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by coolswagman
11 Dec 2016
It's a nice little game. Great if you're new to the text-based adventure game industry.

Review by firekosc
06 Jun 2016
Really fun game to play through- doesn't take too long, but it's good for a good chuckle.

Review by bboy5454
29 Apr 2016
Another really good game! :D

Review by LewisMC
22 Jan 2016
Kinda stupid, and just doesn't let you simply "Read the comments". Not all comments are spambots, and if you read gradually, and got a good spamfilter, it would be much better in reality.

Review by wood192
06 Sep 2015
I found the game very amusing and charming. Short, but a worthwhile play. It only takes a couple minutes to play, so check it out!

Review by Jo Stone
07 Feb 2015
I love how you built up the desire to know what the comments were saying. I won't give away the ending, but damn. ;)

Review by zap
06 Jan 2015
Every page made me chuckle and though the ending was guessable it was still funny.

Review by dacharya64
01 Nov 2014
This is fantastic. I've always wanted to fulfill my fantasies of blogging about curtain rails.

Review by MutantIke
01 Nov 2014
Very interesting. I tried not to read the comments, but I did on the last choice. When I tried again, I realized that there are no winners in curtian reviewing.

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Average rating
Written by
Ashton Raze
External Link
Published 2013
Listing added 12 Jan 2014

IFDB listing

