howling dogs by Porpentine

death cube sim | galactic survey | visionatrix | facet machine | power gardens | women | fascination

two significant endings
Information in this game listing is copyright Porpentine, Edward Lacey, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by SoulVault214242
14 May 2018
Great word choice and flow... I read it out loud and I could hear the voice in it that wasn't my own... Keep up the good work!... (^ w ^)

Review by Rogue-Shinigami
21 Jun 2016
Not bad. Very interesting. Well-written.

Review by bcpraw
04 Jan 2016
The world was so rich and visual, impressive coming from a text adventure. I agree with Reno27, I didn't get the ending at all, it just kind of fell away. Would have like something bigger at the ending, it leaves me kind of wondering at this point. It is sort-of vague, you have to be in the mood for surrealism to enjoy it, I think. I don't know why there aren't more reviews for this, it's an amazing game.

Review by ethanlu121
03 Jan 2016
This is an incredible game! Very interesting.


Review by Reno27
07 Mar 2015
Had me intrigued right up until the ending. Ending wasn't satisfying, but maybe I didn't get it.

Review by AtomicMegadeath
15 Jul 2014
Really interesting!

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Published 01 Oct 2012
Listing added 13 Jan 2014

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