Slouching Towards Bedlam by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto

In the beginning was the Word, and it was hungry.

Enter a steampunk adventure set in a London that might have been. The year is 1885. Bedlam Hospital still stands in Moorsfield, a decaying shell used to house the poor and the hopeless. Steam-driven mechanical wonders roam the streets. Gear-wheeled analytical engines spin out reams of thought onto punched paper tapes.

And in the darkness - in the alleys and the side shops - hide secrets.
Information in this game listing is copyright J. Robinson Wheeler, Paul O'Brian, Emily Short, Dave Chapeskie, Edward Lacey, salty-horse, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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Written by
Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
External Link
Published 25 Sep 2003
Listing added 12 Jan 2014

IFDB listing

