Origins by Vincent Zeng and Chris Martens

"Origins" is a story of the individual, potentially convergent paths of two people making their way through Pittsburgh. There are two available modes, a "myopic" view wherein the player controls a single character's choices (but the consequences of both characters' actions are still shown); and an "omniscient" view, where both characters' choices are available. The story is rendered in an experimental multi-pane hypertext format.
Information in this game listing is copyright Mr. Patient, Edward Lacey, Jason McIntosh, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by arislaf
05 Feb 2015
Great one.

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Written by
Vincent Zeng and Chris Martens
External Link
Published 01 Oct 2014
Listing added 31 Jan 2015

IFDB listing

