Tiny Day EX 1.0.052 by HypeRustler

NOTE TO ALL: To play, you must DOWNLOAD the quest software, as the browser version simply isn't able to run the game currently!!!

You're goal is to pleasure every girl in the school, and overall survive. good luck, many don't make it.
Adult content warning. Kink warning as well ;)

Originally authored by Bluegman2002, I've added an immense amount of content since he's long abandoned it, I hope you enjoy.

6/14/2019: long overdue update, attempting to fix the browser version (something to do with the core editor, sorry for the inconvenience), also added a few new scenes.
Cleaned up text, coding, and bugs as well.

3/6/2020: Sorry about the wait, had some medical issues. Future updates should be faster.

Major Additions:

Day/Night Cycle, Currently only a few events utilize this, but it's nice on its own. Changes every 300 seconds.

New Rooms and hallway
New girls:
Nora the fiery redhead
Raven the twisted teen
Gwen the Vore scientist

New Event to Skip the shower with Twylla.
New Event on the 3rd floor stair case, only activates at night. (BDSM warning) Joke event triggers during daytime (save first.)
New Event in Class 1L
New Event n Room 211
New minor events for a few of the girls.
Christina given more attention, event code cleaned up.

Totally Radical edition.

Plans for Next major update:

Improved events for Solaris, Luna, Maria and Lily.

Avengers style finale after gaining all girls pleasure.

More code cleanup.


Hotfix for Nora's room, softlocks fixed.
Appreciate the feedback!

Testing some new features in her room; the Undo machine.

Currently just for testing purposes, virtually non-fuctional.

Minor update:
ZA WARUDO: Haven't added anything, however changed functionality of events. rather than a fast scrolling text wall, time is frozen during events until a key is pressed to advance.

Sorry for lack of content, my mental state isn't very stable currently, know I am still working on it, and plan to for the foreseeable future.

Thanks as always to everyone for giving me the time of day.

found a few major errors in the code as well as frozen events, most involving Twylla/your room. Cleared up, should be working correctly again.

The promised update, changed pleasure switch, Added finale. likely many bugs and issues, working on last two scenes for ending, but I'm releasing it now. will post a followup soon. Thanks.

yeah... not working as intended. have to sleep. will post hotfix today.

Hotfix: made it possible to get the necessary pleasures and size watch, will post again soon.

Finished second to last scene, currently only Elena's ending path is available.

Finished Nora's scene.

New scene replacing an old crushing death.

Day/Night better implemented.
Fixed a bunch of simple issues, everything should be working correctly.

Thanks everyone for your support over the years, I hope it's worth the wait...

More glaring issues fixed.

Fixed a bunch more issues, added some minor content that was inaccessible before involving Twylla, Character changes should work a little better now, cleared up some issues.
hopefully resolved some other issues.
Thanks as always folks.

Looping timers hotfixed.
Edit: Fixed Solaris.
Edit: you can now get down from Twylla, my bad.

Fixed pleasure switch?
Reworked unlock. P-Key is rewarded from all pleasures.

Fixed*** ~desk watch~ event
fixed ending syntax...

a few more errors fixed.

expect a proper update in a handful of months, with minor updates every so often.
Thanks to everyone as always for the helpful feedback.

NOTE TO ALL: To play, you must DOWNLOAD the quest software, as the browser version simply isn't able to run the game currently!!!

7/13/2021: not an update, but a notice that I am starting work again since my recent hiatus. Expect a minor update before the end of the month, Love and Peace folks.

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Review by Bubman912
21 Jul 2021
Excellent writing and additions, with fun scenarios and characters. As a fan of AV, this is definitely a must-play!

Review by Nix7125
10 Jun 2020
Please continue.

Review by 476792125
09 Mar 2020
Glad it can restart

Review by Dino_kid01
08 Mar 2020
I knew you would go on with this just had to wait a bit.
good luck with all the things you are doing.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 24 Mar 2019
Updated 13 Jul 2021


