Detectiveland by robinjohnson

New Losago, 1929 - a town full of creeps, clowns, mobsters and, if you know where to look, the occasional honest citizen. Guide private investigator Lanson Rose through a series of puzzling cases: solve the city's liquor supply problem in "Speakeasy Street", track down a missing food scientist in "The Big Pickle", and investigate strange goings-on under a dilapidated mansion in "A Study in Squid".

Winner of the 2016 Interactive Fiction Competition.

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Review by tiddyliver123
21 May 2024
best introduction game to text based games
wait no just best game ever thank you so much this is literally such a silly game i had so much fun playing it and just the feeling when you crack the code for the first time without needing to use the hints as crutches is the best feeling ever! you're a great game maker you're so talented!

Review by dwleery78
26 Dec 2022
Great game, had quite some fun and was delighted not to be typing all the time!

Review by linhlinh
22 Jul 2022
good one, too bad i'm too lazy to find clue without reading the hints

Review by broadwaydude
13 Nov 2021
Wonderful funny and immersive game. Everything about this is great. The music, stories, writing, interface... You've gotta love it.

Review by Cinco de Mayo
01 Jun 2021
This is better than Victorian detective and has different stories but thank GOD for help sistem or wouldnt have a clue (ironic) thank you for good game!

Review by Savio
25 Apr 2021
Brilliant, funny, immersive.

Review by Willowdapple
23 Apr 2021
It's great except it's SO HARD. I used ALL of the hints and I still don't know how to do it! What does he mean when you unfurl the menu something falls out? I didn't see anything.

Review by impasta
11 Mar 2021
LOVE IT how do I get more games from the same creator? I really want to check out your other games.The best part about this game is it has helpful hints otherwise it would have been tooooooooooo hard to do.the next thing is I dont have to type commands because in other games we have to type commands and we cant type "look in closet" we Have to say "look at closet" so thats when some people get stuck.

Review by comedic trash
02 Mar 2021
Played literally all day. Best game ever. Should publish to steam or something.

Review by hsh
17 Jul 2020
Better than most.

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Published 16 Oct 2016
Updated 04 Jul 2021


