Adventureland by Scott Adams

Wander through an enchanted realm and try to uncover the 13 lost treasures. There are wild animals and magical beings to reckon with as well as many other perils and mysteries.

WARNING! The Z-Code conversion of this game is certifiably buggy.

The TRS-80 MC-10 uses a unique multiple file method to allow it to be squeezed into a 16K machine. After loading and running the initial program (ADVENT1.C10) you will be prompted to load an additional cassette file (ADVENT2.C10).
Information in this game listing is copyright Emily Short, Wade Clarke, jgerrie, Digger, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by wolver
12 Jul 2017
looks like fun but to many bugs. from the bog can't go anywhere when i finally die i am in bog in misty room and still can't go anywhere.
(when i die from the dragon i can return to the forest) so i think it is a bug. little stuck and walking in circles, like the options and the treasures, but not sure where to go next.

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Average rating
Written by
Scott Adams
External Link
Published 1978
Listing added 11 Jul 2017

IFDB listing

