This One Elf Guy Goes on a Quest or Something by RoboticRobot

You're an elf guy in fantasy-type times. You'll probably go on a hilarious quest. ... Well hilarious to the reader, that is, not hilarious to the elf guy. He'll probably die a few times. ... But then again, you ARE the elf guy so ... . Story games are confusing.
Review by jordanrichards320
22 Apr 2020
I just played this for like two hours lol
I would have given it 5 stars if it weren't for the two or three times GD is used. Really funny game overall though

Review by VividEcho
11 Apr 2020
I'll go in the tent if I want too DAMN IT!

Review by Swiftthunder
13 Nov 2019
OMG I love this so much. It’s really hard to live. It’s also really funny all the ways Dan (you) dies. I had so much fun playing this.

Review by muddlemand
13 Nov 2019
Great fun. :)

Review by chibikitty
21 Sep 2019

Review by Ppineyapple
08 Sep 2019
omigosh this was great, but i never did get those boots...

22 Aug 2019
Haha. This IS a good comedy game. Give yourself a pat on the back-this game is really fun.

Review by BS86
20 Oct 2018
Great story!

27 May 2018
Man, that was so good! Anyone reading this who hasn't tried it yet, just do, trust me.

Review by leepdroon
17 Jun 2017
Aw man, that was fun to explore. You deserve more plays!

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External Link
Published 27 May 2018


