Tiny Adventure! {DEMO} V1.21 by GoneBoyGone

This is the demo for a game with a story about scientists, dreams and shrink rays...
Rate high if you enjoyed and come back soon after playing the demo!

V1 - Release of main game's demo!! (Woop Woop!)
V1.1 - Finished Chapter 5 and most of Chapter 6.
V1.2 - Finished Chapter 6, 7 and the beginning of Chapter 8, as well as the free choice route being started, please give me ideas for areas in the comments below.
V1.21 - Changed name of the game.
Review by Blunderbutt69
21 Sep 2018
Needs some work but other than that so far so good!

Review by GR
21 Sep 2018
So there is A LOT of text here. I think for a Text Adventure you need more Adventure and less text. What you have written isn't bad. In my humble opinion, your story would probably fit better on a site like giantess world. But, as always, keep up the good work.

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Added 08 Sep 2018
Updated 20 May 2019


