Glass by Emily Short

The Prince sits awkwardly on the couch, holding his glass slipper and trying to keep it from crushing. Lucinda and Theodora have the ends of the same couch, and they are taking turns seeing who can bend lowest and show off the most cleavage; while the old lady, in her wing chair, carries on about nonsense...
Information in this game listing is copyright Eriorg, Emily Short, Paul O'Brian, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by mick green
10 Jul 2022
The situation you find yourself in is cool. Loved it.

Review by Savio
14 Mar 2021
Good IF.
You say words to steer the outcome. Has a handful of different endings.

Review by Father
31 Oct 2020
This is brilliant. A cleverly written twist on an old story

Review by kdjack
30 May 2020
Took me a while to figure out that I wasn't the prince. I thought he was just really awkward and had a squeaky voice.

Review by psychoticfire
14 Apr 2020
Fantastic writing! I haven't gotten to all the endings yet, but this was certainly fun.

Review by emily22
28 Oct 2019
This was a wonderful game! Very interesting.

Review by The Mockingbird
18 Dec 2018
This is perfect! It took me a bit to get the hang of it. I played it 5 or 6 times and loved the different endings. Challenging but not too hard. Really good writing.

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Average rating
Written by
Emily Short
External Link
Published 2006
Listing added 13 Jan 2014

IFDB listing

