Trial of the Clone by Tin Man Games

“You are a clone raised by the mysterious Silene Monks. Once the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, they have long since been superseded by modern technology. Now they spend most of their time hanging out and playing video games.

But you are not like the rest of your clone brothers. You have been chosen for a special destiny. Make the right decisions and you’ll complete your training, explore a universe full of adventure, and prove yourself a hero. Make the wrong decisions and you’ll be dead. Really dead. Its hard to emphasise just how dead you will be. So here’s a pre tip for you: try to make the right decisions.”

Written by Zach Weinersmith, creator of the hilarious award-winning comic strip ‘Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal’.

You’re a clone who sets out to find your place in a cold, uncaring, but also kickass and ridiculous futuristic world, solving challenging puzzles and fighting monsters along the way. It’s like D&D for people who are too cool for other people!
Download on the App Store Android App on Google Play Available on Kindle Fire
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Tin Man Games

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Published 19 Aug 2013


